1 Nutritious
Clove is rich in essential nutrients and vitamins are also parents that calcium and magnesium. Cloves are also able to supply the amount of energy and a lot of dietary fiber.
2 Antibacterial and Anti Fungus
Cloves and efektik naturally fight bacteria that cause damage especially in the stomach and germs from the mouth. Cloves contain eugenol which also has antifungal properties and can effectively cope with skin diseases such as those caused by ring worm.
3 Analgesics
Clove oil has been proven to be able to treat toothache. Recently, this has been an experiment has proven capable as cengkah oil as analgesics (painkillers).
4 Sexual Stimulant
Traditionally cloves diangga have aphrodisiac properties to raise the presumption sahwat.Sebuah research and the results are terkbukti have such properties. An experiment was also told cloves able to overcome premature ejaculation.
5.-friendly in Stomach
Clove is also the best food for your stomach. Cloves are not only help fight bloating, and ulcers, but also can effectively overcome the nausea and indigestion.
6 Good For The Heart
In the 'magic' eugnol owned cloves can prevent blood clotting and may help prevent a stroke. Research is still ongoing and there is no statement to make sure.
7 Against Cancer
Although many of the properties of cloves fight against cancer, but studies have shown that cloves can help prevent cancer, especially of the skin, lungs and digestive tract.
8 Preventing inflammation (inflammation)
Flavonoids are found in oil content cengleh. This is very good because it has anti-inflammatory properties and can be helpful for arthritic patients. Cloves can also be used as an expectorant to treat a variety of minor respiratory conditions.
9. Mosquito Repellent
Many do not know if the cloves can be used to repel mosquitoes. Excellent for use in places where the cause of malaria, dengue fever and other mosquito-borne diseases.
10 Improving Immune
Cloves are also believed to boost your immune system and can help you in the fight against various diseases to deadly levels of regular